Research funds are granted to major research centres and universities, while patrons are overwhelmed by daily demands.
Never mind...
I created a series of specific designs in Pop Art called "Dollars Flower" in order to make very large paintings and statues in fiberglass and PVC 100% recycled, with the aim of raising the necessary funds to finance neurological research on COB designs to better understand the impact of art on our brain frequencies.
Be aware of this
Becoming aware that our environment influences us unconsciously is paramount.
Studies have shown 25% more burnout in workplaces that have white walls. The green color of casino carpets is not trivial! A study done in Las Vegas with blue carpets showed the lack of enthusiasm of gamblers to bet, while red carpets tended to make players impulsive but they left the game table more quickly. Only green carpets allowed players to be tempered and made them bet longer. Green in the collective unconscious is the color of luck and hope. The players thought unconscious "I'm going to do it again"...
The not-for-profit organization NeurArt
We are 6 women to have created the association NeurArt in 2019.
We are entrepreneurs, professional athletes, professors, doctors, researchers... but also mothers. What brings us together? Curiosity, passion for art, the desire to move forward and understand. The aim of the NeurArt association is to fund neurological research on the COB concept. We are partners with the IEA (European Institute of Antioxidants) in Nancy in France for research on oxidative stress but also in partnership with many doctoral students and independent neurologists.
Doing our bit
If you feel like it and you want to support and contribute to the funding of research, you can choose from the catalog of works that you will like. There is a minimum price for each work, but you choose the value of your donation.
As an artist I offer you the work of your choice in exchange for your donation to the NeurArt association. Any donation is of course 100% deductible from your taxes. It is therefore not the purchase of works of art, but indeed a donation for the association and in exchange you can choose from the catalog the work or works that will be offered to 😊 you. And if you prefer, I can also make custom works for you, always on the same principle of donation.
Art, in addition to being one of the noblest investments, has a profound impact on the image of society.
You can directly choose the painting of your choice or your own artistic composition online.
And for the statutes I offer several sizes: 50 cm, 100 cm or 200 cm for a majestic effect in an entrance hall.
“An artist is not paid for his labour but his vision.”— James McNeill Whistler.
Catalog of statue
There are those days when everything smiles at us... these "Lucky Day" where everything is fluid, the good news follows one another, the "Chance" activates the coincidences and everything is PERFECT!
Know: "Chance" does not exist...
All energy created is the result of a past energy.
The richness of "Being" is not acquired in a day.
One can win the lottery is "Having" wealth... Do not confuse Being and Having.
Being spiritually, intellectually, emotionally rich... takes time and this wealth is cultivated with work.
Make the difference between "Being" rich and "Having" wealth...
One can have wealth by inheriting from one's parents or winning the lottery overnight effortlessly. External wealth is superficial, it is in "Having".
And you can "Be" rich without a penny on your account. Because rich in experience, rich in knowledge, rich in ideas... these inner riches are in the "Being".
BE !
For "Wake UP", "Do UP", "Rising UP" dare to aim high!
Wake up in the morning with your dreams in mind and give yourself the means to achieve them.
Dare to nurture and cultivate your dreams, wake up and take action.
Happy is the one who is rich in knowledge!
His wealth can extend to infinity and he can share it at will without ever diminishing it. On the contrary, the more we share our knowledge, the more we enrich ourselves.
The world was not built in a day... Know how to be patient, continue to work, do not give up at the slightest difficulty. Patience is a quality that is becoming increasingly rare nowadays where we want everything and right away.
You have all the cards in your hands...
In competitive sports as in trading, you have to define your plan and apply it.
In everyday life, it's the same.
Set your rules in order to achieve your goals.
Statue quotation listing
Timing to realize a statue is allow 25 to 30 days for a big one and 20 days for a middle one. Actually sizes XS are not available yet.
Size XS : 15 cm ..................... not available
Size S : 40 cm ..................... 850 USD
Size M : 80 cm ...................... 2'500 USD
Size L : 140 cm .................... 7'500 USD
Size XL : 240 cm ....................22'500 USD
All canvas will be personalized
You can choose the color's background, the theme, text & size.
Background will be made in Boxing Painting technical to have more powerful energy.
We can choose together upstream which kind of colors will be the best for your premices.
Each color have an influence on the mood and traiding.
I can also manage a special lighting with U.V light to have an awesome effect during the night, if your artwork can be see by night when lights off.
1. Background
Selection a background
2. The Theme
Choose the theme & text motivation
3. Size
Choose the best size for your canvas
Painting quotation listing
cotation 1,8
Timing to realize an order depends of the number of artworks and sizes. Normaly you must allow 3 to 4 weeks for completion an order.
Size S : 50x70 cm ...................... 1'950 EURO
Size M : 80x100 cm .................... 4'400 EURO
Size L : 100x150 cm ................... 8'300 EURO
Size XL : 150x200 cm ..................16'600 EURO
Size XS (framed): 24x30 cm ............ 290 EURO
The XS size is perfect for client's gift or employee's present, little size, charming frame and affordable price.
Small sizes artworks
Next Exhibition
Restaurant La Cène
Rue du Criblet 6
1700 Fribourg (Suisse)
Openning: august 22th 2023
The process
Step by Step
Small sizes Collector figurines
Some artworks
Already available
120x150 6'400 EURO
150x200 cm 16'600 EURO
120x150 cm 6'400 EURO
120x150 cm 6'400 EURO
200x150 cm 16'600 EURO
My artwork explained
Would like to know more about the deep symbolism of my art ?
And which impact it has had on its environment ?
Have a look on the next PDF explanation to one of my artwork.
Trading is not emotional...
You're Kidding man?
Trading is the most emotional job that I made !
You are a bank? You work in financial distric? You manage a trader's desk?
You must to read this:
Some studies about it...
Let’s Work Together
Boa Creations & Innovations SA
Chemin des Hirondelles 14
1753 Matran
Tel: +41 78 808 79 07