Boxing Painting Street Art
When Boxing meet Painting...
I love to practice my both favorite Art !
To achieve the best effect, you need to choose carefully your colors, your support (paper, canvas, others), the right dilution of your colors to obtain your best desired effect. You need to appreciate your punch to manage your power depending on the desired splash...
A lot of parameters must to be considered to have the best result what I'm looking for!
And of course do your best background effect painting first.
Acryl on canvas 163x129 cm
Arborescence was inspirated by an deep forest where we can see the first ligne of trees translucent in front the main forest behind.
"Arborescence" is also for the neural network in our brain...
Le Bouquet
Acryl on paper 158x100 cm
Le Bouquet was inspirated by a fresh flowers spring bouquet.
Light and fresh, the life is like a Bouquet!
Acryl on canvas 163x129 cm
Arborescence was inspirated by an deep forest where we can see the first ligne of trees translucent in front the main forest behind.
"Arborescence" is also for the neural network in our brain...
Acryl on canvas 68x50cm
"Midnight was inspired by the firework of midnight o'clock.
Go to the party or go to bed after a long and hard day, it's a delicious time!"
La Jonquille
Acryl on canvas 50x70 cm
This painting was inspirated by the Flower "The Jonquille"
Made with gold painting colors, depending on the angle of view we can appreciate differente kind of color's strate.
Acryl on canvas 85x130 cm
"Intensity" was inspirated by the Life. Sometimes we have bad dark mood (Black background) and sometimes we have lovely and happy mood (pink background).
This is the LIfe, and wse need to appreciate it intensivly.
Love's Dream
Acryl on canvas 85x125 cm
Sweet & Light... like a dream of Love.